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Career Discovery

Do you feel "stuck" and don't know what to do next in your career? I will help guide and inspire you to achieve more of your professional goals. Through a series of steps, we will discovery what your unique strengths are, what career options are out there, and what actions to take in order to craft the career of your dreams. Get in touch today and start taking control of your career with our coaching tools and techniques.

(Priced Individually per hour)

Step 1

assess & Reflect

We will leverage assessments and spend time reflecting on what unique strengths you bring to the table. Being able to understand and communicate those strengths is the foundation to figuring out what's next in your career journey.


what's your path?

After determining your unique strengths we will take a look at your passions and explore traditional (and even some non-traditional career) paths. Like they always say, you don't know what you don't know. 



Once we've assessed your strengths and explored potential career options, we will begin leverage coaching tools to get you were your trying to go. Think resume and Linkedin overhaul, job searching strategies and much more.

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